A statement concerning Mike Pilavachi

A statement from the Senior Leadership of the Relational Mission family of churches concerning the conclusion of the Church of England investigation into Mike Pilavachi.

On behalf of the Senior Leadership of the Relational Mission family of churches:

This is our first statement regarding the investigation into Mike Pilavachi. We have been waiting for those so authorised to investigate the facts, so that we could speak from a place of knowledge rather than speculation. 

Soul Survivor made a statement yesterday (6 September) concerning the Church of England National Safeguarding Team (NST) investigation into Mike Pilavachi, the conclusion of which substantiated the safeguarding concerns which had been raised. The statement and link to the NST report can be found here as well as access to counselling and other support for all those affected.

The report about Mike Pilavachi is deeply saddening to read. 

We realise how much courage it has taken for each individual who has spoken up. Their costly bravery has brought truth into the light. We continue to pray that those who have been harmed can find the help they need. 

The report outlines serious and habitual patterns of sin, the impact of which are heightened by the seniority of Mike’s position. We soberly recognise the significant and harmful consequences to the body of Christ and in particular to the members of Soul Survivor church.

Mike Pilavachi has been a friend to Relational Mission and we found his ministry to our leaders helpful but were unaware of the longstanding concerns about some of his behaviours. We hope that the forthcoming Independent Review will help us understand how this occurred and what we might learn from this.

As a Senior Leadership, we remain committed to ongoing reflection in order that the leadership culture across our family of churches is the safest that it may be for all whom we serve.

Mike Betts
Stef Liston
Maurice Nightingale

Jon Beardon